Personal Social and Health Education

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Curriculum Statement

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) helps to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to develop as confident, healthy and independent individuals.

Personal, Social and Health Education lessons at Harestock help to promote physical and emotional well-being for all our children. Our planning for PSHE covers emotional health and well-being, financial awareness, relationship and sex education, drug, tobacco and alcohol education, bullying and citizenship, at a level appropriate to children’s age.

At Harestock we promote British values and prepare children for life in modern Britain; through PSHE and across the curriculum, children explore democracy, rights and responsibilities, respect and tolerance of those of different faiths, beliefs and opinions.

Opportunities to further children’s development in Personal, Social and Health Education are embedded throughout our curriculum including PE and Science.

A wealth of enrichment activities further support and complement our PSHE curriculum. These include residential trips, school visits, community events, sports, arts and music clubs and events. 

Personal and Social skills are at the heart of our school values and are the focus of school assemblies, class behaviour reward systems and our merit and pupil of the week awards. Children are actively involved in making decisions and discussing issues surrounding their health, friendships and wellbeing through the School Council and other pupil voice activities.

PSHE is one of the many ways in which we support the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our children.

Relationships and Sex Education

Personal, Social and Health Education includes units of relationships and sex education. Human reproduction is covered in the context of secure, loving family relationships, the teaching about which is matched to the growing awareness and understanding of the children in Years 1 – 6.  When these particular units come around, parents will be notified by letter in advance and have the opportunity to discuss any aspects with the teacher (as well as the option to withdraw their children from specific aspects of the learning).

Click on the link for more info.