
Introduction to the Governing Body

The Governors at Harestock Primary School are committed to school improvement. We work closely – and in partnership – with the Headteacher and the senior leadership team to ensure that every child in the school has the best possible education and skills for life.

We meet twelve times a year. Once minutes have been approved by the Full Governing Body at the next meeting, they are available for you to read, upon request, at the school office. We also aim to send out a Governors’ newsletter at least once a year to provide an update on the activities of the governing body and its plans for the year. We are looking for additional ways to make sure that we keep you up to date with our work and seek your input – if you have ideas please contact us using

This page is designed to:

  1. keep you up-to-date and provide an overview of our current work;
  2. let you know who we are, how we are structured, and how we organise our work in order to carry out our role;
  3. summarise the role of the Governing Body;
  4. provide the required statutory information about the Governing Body; and
  5. provide you with information about applying to become a Governor.

If you have any questions, are interested in becoming a governor, or have skills which you would be willing to offer to the Governing Body, we would be delighted to hear from you. You can leave a note at the school office or email us:

Statutory Governor information is set out at the end of this webpage.

Work of the Governing Body

The Governing Body has a full programme strategic development work, full Governing Body meetings, formal visits to the school and training.

How we are organised at Harestock Primary School

A Governing Body is required to be of an appropriate size and have the skills and experience necessary to enable it to carry out its functions. The Harestock Governing Body is led by two Co-Chairs, assisted by a Learning & Standards Lead and a Resources Lead. In addition, a Safeguarding Governor, a Special Educational Needs (SEN) Governor and a Development & Training Governor ensure strategic oversight of and seek improvement in their respective areas of focus. A Pay Committee meets annually to approve staff salaries. The Headteacher’s performance is regularly reviewed by the Performance Review Panel. The Governing Body is supported by a Clerk.

Governors (ID 1198)

  • Miranda Woolfenden
    Chair of Governors
  • Sue Bignell
    Local Authority Governor
  • Clare Griffiths
    Co-opted Governor
  • Zena Kukreja
    Co-opted Governor
  • Kelsie Learney
    Co-opted Governor
  • Alistair Scott
    Co-opted Governor
  • Lucy Sims
    Vice-Chair and Parent Governor
  • Colin Hudman
    Co-opted Governor
  • Bryan Somerset
    Parent Governor
  • Sarah Boylan
    Staff Governor


Contacting us

We would very much like to hear from you about general improvements and policy matters. You can contact us by email, by leaving a message with the school office, putting a note in your child’s book bag or catching a parent governor or the Chair of Governors on the playground in the morning.


Name Governor Type Term From Term To Appointee Roles
Mrs Miranda Woolfenden Co-opted governor 24 Nov 2014 23 Nov 2026 Full Governing Body



Development & Training Governor Pay Committee Member
Mrs Aimee Dear Headteacher 1 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2026 N/A Headteacher
Mrs Jo Clements Staff governor 20 Jan 2020 19 Jan 2024 Elected staff governor
Miss Sue Bignell Local authority governor 1 May 2021 30 Apr 2025 Hampshire County Council

SEN governor


Pay committee member
Dr Clare Griffiths Co-opted governor 20 Oct 2020 19 Oct 2024 Full governing body
Mrs Zena Kukreja Co-opted governor 20 Nov 2019 19 Nov 2023 Full governing body
Ms Kelsie Learney Co-opted governor 24 Nov 2014 23 Nov 2026 Full governing body

Pay committee member


Headteacher performance review panel
Mr Alistair Scott Co-opted governor 24 Nov 2014 23 Nov 2026 Full governing body Headteacher performance review panel
Dr Lucy Sims Parent governor 26 Nov 2020 25 Nov 2024 Elected parent governor
Mr Bryan Somerset Parent governor March 2024 March 2028 Elected parent governor


Mr Colin Hudman Co-opted governor Sep 2023 Sep 2027 Full governing body


  Register of Governors’ Interests


Member Nature of interest
Mrs Miranda Woolfenden None
Mrs Aimee Dear None
Mrs Jo Clements None
Miss Sue Bignell None
Dr Clare Griffiths None
Mrs Zena Kukreja None
Mr Ross Mardle None
Mr Alistair Scott None
Dr Lucy Sims None
Mr Colin Hudman None
Mr Bryan Somerset None