Our Vision, Values and Aims 

The vision and values of our school have been developed by our whole school community and we are extremely proud of them. 

We worked together to develop values that we think will benefit children in our school right now, whilst helping them develop the mindsets, attitudes and values they need to succeed in life and in a world that is changing so quickly. We thought carefully about what is important for happy, successful childhoods and will create adults who succeed in their relationships and careers.

Our vision and values are our moral compass and provide the direction for the day to day life of our school, how we develop our curriculum and the attitudes we support our children to grow. 


Our Vision

At Harestock School, our vision is to inspire every child to strive for academic excellence and become a life-long lover of learning, who is well prepared to thrive within our ever-changing world.


Our values

  • We are compassionate to ourselves and others. 
  • We are curious in our approach to learning and life. 
  • We are creative in our thinking and self-expression.
  • We are resilient and easily able to recover after setbacks. 



Our Aims

  • Provide an inclusive environment where everyone is accepted, as respect for all is the culture and ethos of our school.
  • Provide a stimulating, safe and caring environment in which everyone can thrive.
  • Be understanding and sensitive to the needs of all individuals and celebrate our achievements.
  • Create an inspiring, challenging and exciting curriculum through which everyone develops independence, intrinsic motivation and becomes life-long learners.
  • Support everyone to develop and maintain healthy habits for life-style and well-being so we are well prepared to make a positive contribution to the wider world.


We celebrate children demonstrating our values during our Friday Celebration Assembly through our weekly Pupil of the Week and Merit awards.  These are linked to our values to help motivate and inspire children to achieve their best across our values.