Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy

At Harestock, we believe that all children are entitled to access a broad, challenging curriculum irrespective of financial background.  We appreciate that sometimes the cost of participating can be prohibitive. Therefore, we work with parents and children to ensure that no child misses out on an opportunity, such as music lessons or participating in school clubs, due to the cost.  We encourage all parents to talk to us if cost is a concern, whether or not you are not entitled to Pupil Premium Funding. We will always be understanding and supportive to any parent who wishes to discuss financial concerns with us, and will signpost you to additional support. 

What is the Pupil Premium (PP)?

 The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided to schools to support certain groups of children who are potentially vulnerable/disadvantaged to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are (or have been at any point in the previous 6 years) entitled to free school meals (£1345 per pupil), those looked after by the local authority (£2345 per pupil) and the children of armed service personnel (£310).

Pupil Premium strategy 2022-2023Pupil premium strategy 2023-2024